Ten freelance writing tips to succeed as a freelance writer, whatever your niche

top tips to succeed as a freelance writer

It’s Monday morning. There’s another email in my LinkedIn inbox from a well-meaning recruiter, asking if I am interested in switching to a permanent role. This happens almost every Monday and my reply is always the same: I’m very happy freelancing, I’m not looking for a permanent role right now. In all honesty, I’m not […]

Freelance mental health: top tips for seeking balance as a freelance writer

three top tips for freelance writing portfolio

This blog is about looking after your freelance mental health. But, that’s not where this story starts. I’ve been working for communications agencies in writing and editing roles since I was 21.  What does this look like? Long hours, exciting work, travel, if you’re lucky. Expectations can be high. So can the rewards. The last […]

Maintaining Mental Health as a Freelancer, Mum, and Writer: How to Survive and Thrive

freelancer medical health writer

Next week, my second son starts nursery and I transition to full-time freelance mum and writer. He is likely our last baby, which makes this my penultimate week of maternity leave (perhaps, ever). Having spent nine months growing my freelance writing business before he arrived (incidentally, the same months I spent growing him), I am […]

Let’s talk.

Drop me a line to find out more about me, my rates and availability, and how we could work together. 

You can find me on:
A note from me:

I work Tuesday through Friday. I’ll aim to get back to you within 24 hours during the working week.