My process for creating web content as a freelance health and medical writer

health and medical writing projects

If you’ve decided to promote your business online, you will know all about creating web content.

If you’ve not done it already, I suggest you take the time to decide on your content pillars first. Why?

Because if you build your marketing efforts on strong and sensible content pillars, things remain in place. Your reason for showing up stays consistent. You start to build a consistent narrative for your business that speaks directly to your target audience.

An Essential Step for Creating Web Content: Perfecting your Content Pillars

Let’s get started with a definition. Simply put, content pillars are themes or topics of your brand that you focus on to create content. 

Once decided, they are really useful in creating your social media posting schedule too. I have four pillars. Each post I make aligns with one of my pillars. For me, these four pillars are my creative inspiration, taking a little bit of procrastination out of creating content.

Top tip: once you’ve decided on them, write them down. 

Trust me. There comes a time (or two) in every freelancer’s life when you need to revisit your pillars. You get swept up in socials, clients and ambition. Distraction can lead to straying from the pillar path and the strategy you so perfectly planned. So, have them somewhere visible, not only for all to see, but to hold yourself accountable too. 

My Content Pillars

Below are the four areas I consider my pillars. My strategy on Instagram, LinkedIn and my blog is created with these in mind to keep me focused and consistent.

  1. Health and medical writing / health communications

Number one on my list because it’s such an integral part of the business I have built. Health and medical writing is my business.

I’m motivated by the broad range of topics to write about and the diversity of audiences. Having the power to make a difference to people’s lives with the words you write: to educate, advocate, inspire, change behaviour and attitudes is a powerful thing. 

It’s my career, my source of income, but the responsibility matters too. So this takes priority on my posting schedule.

Content I post based on this pillar may include details of my current projects or sharing the work of those I admire. It might be health and medical writing strategies and techniques, industry insights, or tips for other health and medical writers.

Here are two recent examples: 

  1. General health topics

As my portfolio testifies, I’ve written about a wide range of health and medical topics over the years. Some close to my heart, others driven by my clients.

I chose this content pillar for several reasons. Firstly, it allows me to develop my understanding and exposure to a breadth of topics. Secondly, it forces me to be accountable for my reading and writing – and for staying up to date with the latest research in areas that interest me.

This pillar gives me the chance to show what good health writing looks like and to share interesting stories about health topics that pique my interest. 

Here are two recent examples:

  1. Freelancing

I consider myself accountable here too. In an online world full of hyperbole and questionable promises, I make it my mission to tell the truth. 

My third pillar is the fantastic world of freelancing because I want to give a little bit back. I want to speak the truth about my own journey in the hope that I can educate and inspire others. Reading other people’s stories of success and stumbling blocks was always (and still is) something I found helpful and so a key part of my strategy is to zoom in on a significant aspect of self employment and share with my followers. Real, vulnerable, me. 

Whether I’m sharing my feelings about winning new clients or how I plan my day, as a mentor I’m here to share my story with you.

Here are two recent examples:

  1. Being a Mum with a Business

The fourth strand of my content pillar strategy proudly focuses on what I consider a lifestyle change, not just a career shift.

I’ve become more comfortable with posting about being a mother over the past two years as a freelancer. Not only does it force me to reflect on the balance I am constantly striking between work and parenthood, it encourages me to reflect on those areas I can give myself a little pat on the back for. I think sometimes we all need that. 

I hope this gives other Mums the little nudge to step out of their comfort zone and find success, whatever that looks like for them.

One example:

There you have it, the four content pillars that support my business and provide me with my content strategy. Take the time to consider yours before creating web content and try your best to stick to them!

Thank you so much for reading. I’m always open to networking and I’d love to hear more about your drive and motivation to write within the world of health, medicines and science. 

  • Take a look at my previous blogs to learn a little bit more about my story and some of the areas I’ve written about. 
  • Drop me a line if you’re interested in one-to-one mentoring from a health writer with a decade of experience.
  • Click CONTACT above if you’d like to connect on your next health or medical writing project.
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Let’s talk.

Drop me a line to find out more about me, my rates and availability, and how we could work together. 

You can find me on:
A note from me:

I work Tuesday through Friday. I’ll aim to get back to you within 24 hours during the working week.